Groundfish biodiversity change in northeastern Pacific waters under projected warming and deoxygenation

Groundfish biodiversity change in northeastern Pacific waters under projected warming and deoxygenation ABSTRACT In the coming decades, warming and deoxygenation of marine waters are anticipated to result in shifts in the distribution and abundance of fishes, with consequences for the diversity and composition of fish communities. Here, we combine fisheries-independent trawl survey data spanning the west coast of the USA and Canada with high-resolution regional ocean models to make projections of how 34 groundfish species will be impacted by changes in temperature and oxygen in British Columbia (BC) and Washington. In this region, species that are projected to decrease in occurrence are roughly balanced by those that are projected to increase, resulting in considerable compositional turnover. Many, but not all, species are projected to shift to deeper depths as conditions warm, but low oxygen will limit how deep they can go. Thus, biodiversity will likely decrease in the shallowest waters (less than 100 m), where warming will be greatest, increase at mid-depths (100–600 m) as shallow species shift deeper, and decrease at depths where oxygen is limited (greater than 600 m). These results highlight the critical importance of accounting for the joint role of temperature, oxygen and depth when projecting the impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity. The rasters available in this dataset project the occurrence of each of the 34 groundfish species in a 3 km^2 grid cell for the historical baseline, as well as for two emissions scenarios, from each of the two regional ocean models (BCCM and NEP36). Each projection layer is provided as the mean projected occurrence as well as the lower and upper 95% confidence interval of projected occurrence. 2023-12-27 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and Environmentdepthdissolved oxygenhypoxiaregional ocean modelspecies distributionFisheriesTemperatureClimate change Groundfish biodiversity change in NE Pacific water - TiffTIFF Data Dictionary EnglishCSV Data Dictionary FrenchCSV Groundfish biodiversity change in NE Pacific waters – GIS Hub metadataPDF Groundfish biodiversity change in NE Pacific waters – GIS Hub metadataPDF Groundfish biodiversity change in NE Pacific waters under projected warming and deoxygenationPDF Groundfish biodiversity change in NE Pacific waters EnglishESRI REST Groundfish biodiversity change in NE Pacific waters FrenchESRI REST


In the coming decades, warming and deoxygenation of marine waters are anticipated to result in shifts in the distribution and abundance of fishes, with consequences for the diversity and composition of fish communities. Here, we combine fisheries-independent trawl survey data spanning the west coast of the USA and Canada with high-resolution regional ocean models to make projections of how 34 groundfish species will be impacted by changes in temperature and oxygen in British Columbia (BC) and Washington. In this region, species that are projected to decrease in occurrence are roughly balanced by those that are projected to increase, resulting in considerable compositional turnover. Many, but not all, species are projected to shift to deeper depths as conditions warm, but low oxygen will limit how deep they can go. Thus, biodiversity will likely decrease in the shallowest waters (less than 100 m), where warming will be greatest, increase at mid-depths (100–600 m) as shallow species shift deeper, and decrease at depths where oxygen is limited (greater than 600 m). These results highlight the critical importance of accounting for the joint role of temperature, oxygen and depth when projecting the impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity.

The rasters available in this dataset project the occurrence of each of the 34 groundfish species in a 3 km^2 grid cell for the historical baseline, as well as for two emissions scenarios, from each of the two regional ocean models (BCCM and NEP36). Each projection layer is provided as the mean projected occurrence as well as the lower and upper 95% confidence interval of projected occurrence.

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