Enterprise Service Model Consumption Actuals

Enterprise Service Model Consumption Actuals Listing of consumption data actuals by department for services being provided by Shared Services Canada. The services included in the data is number of fixed lines, number of email accounts, number of licenses for Microsoft Office E3, number of GCSI accounts, number of MyKey accounts and maximum number of GC SRA connections. 2023-11-29 Shared Services Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Government and PoliticsConsumption data actuals Enterprise Service Model Consumption Actuals CSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/6681cb87-ba88-45dd-809c-6fbba5f76d10/resource/5cdf2ddd-ec91-4b44-8ec7-692e35f790fe/download/opengov-consumption-report-fy-2022-23.csv Enterprise Service Model Consumption Actuals CSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/6681cb87-ba88-45dd-809c-6fbba5f76d10/resource/34cf116e-84c7-4567-a53e-8fe635a771d4/download/opengov-consumption-report-fy-2022-23.csv

Listing of consumption data actuals by department for services being provided by Shared Services Canada. The services included in the data is number of fixed lines, number of email accounts, number of licenses for Microsoft Office E3, number of GCSI accounts, number of MyKey accounts and maximum number of GC SRA connections.

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