Ground ice map of Canada

Ground ice map of Canada The mapping depicts a first-order estimate of the combined volumetric percentage of excess ice in the top 5 m of permafrost from segregated, wedge, and relict ice. The estimates for the three ice types are based on modelling by O'Neill et al. (2019) (, and informed by available published values of ground ice content and expert knowledge. The mapping offers an improved depiction of ground ice in Canada at a broad scale, incorporating current knowledge on the associations between geological and environmental conditions and ground ice type and abundance. It provides a foundation for hypothesis testing related to broad-scale controls on ground ice formation, preservation, and melt. 2021-05-19 Natural Resources Canada Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyGround icesegregated icewedge icerelict icePermafrost Ground ice map of CanadaHTML Carte de la glace de sol du CanadaHTML Ground ice map of Canada - ground ice map of Canada layer - EnglishWMS Ground ice map of Canada - ground ice map of Canada layer - FrenchWMS Ground ice map of Canada - WMS service - FrenchWMS Ground ice map of Canada - WMS service - EnglishWMS

The mapping depicts a first-order estimate of the combined volumetric percentage of excess ice in the top 5 m of permafrost from segregated, wedge, and relict ice. The estimates for the three ice types are based on modelling by O'Neill et al. (2019) (, and informed by available published values of ground ice content and expert knowledge. The mapping offers an improved depiction of ground ice in Canada at a broad scale, incorporating current knowledge on the associations between geological and environmental conditions and ground ice type and abundance. It provides a foundation for hypothesis testing related to broad-scale controls on ground ice formation, preservation, and melt.

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