At the end of each fiscal year, government-wide financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on the Volume 3 of the Public Accounts, provides a detailed listing of the transfer payments (i.e. cash payments and accrued charges) aggregating to $100,000 or over to a recipient (one individual or organization). A transfer payment is a grant, contribution or other payment made by the Government for which no goods or services are received. This detail shows the ministry, department, the name and location of the recipient, together with the total amount paid. Appendices referenced in the dataset can be found in the Official Record of Information.
In cases where certain organizations have more than one place of business, their Head Office location was used for reporting purposes.
In addition, this statement presents, for each class of recipients, the total amount of payments to a recipient aggregating to less than $100,000 and the total number of recipients (for fiscal Year 2009-2010 and later). This dataset is from the Public Accounts of Canada and is not the official record of information. The official version of record can be found on the Receiver General website for the most recent fiscal year and the Library and Archives website for historical years.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Public Services and Procurement Canada
- Publisher - Organization Name at Publication: Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
2024 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
2023 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
2022 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
2021 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2021 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2020 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2020 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2019 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2019 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2018 - Transfer Payments CSVEnglish dataset CSV
2018 - Transfer Payments CSVFrench dataset CSV
2017 - Transfer Payments CSVEnglish dataset CSV
2017 - Transfer Payments CSVFrench dataset CSV
2016 - Transfer Payments CSVEnglish dataset CSV
2016 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2015 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2015 - Transfer Payments CSVFrench dataset CSV
2014 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2014 - Transfer Payments CSVFrench dataset CSV
2013 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2013 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2012 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2012 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2011 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2010 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2011 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2010 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2009 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2009 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2008 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2008 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2007 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2007 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2006 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2006 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2005 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2005 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2004 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2004 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
2003 - Transfer PaymentsCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2003 - Transfer PaymentsCSVFrench dataset CSV
Data DictionaryXMLEnglish French data_dictionary XML
Supporting Documentation HTMLEnglish guide HTML
Supporting DocumentationHTMLFrench guide HTML