Beaufort Sea Marine Fishes Project (BSMFP) 2013 - Fish identification and measurements

Beaufort Sea Marine Fishes Project (BSMFP) 2013 - Fish identification and measurements PURPOSE: From August 2nd to September 9th, 2013, Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted a baseline survey of marine fishes and their habitats in the southern Canadian Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf as part of the Beaufort Regional Environmental Assessment (BREA) called the Beaufort Sea Marine Fishes Project (BSMFP). Sampling was conducted from the F/V Frosti at 53 stations along 8 transects. Standardized sampling was conducted using benthic trawling nets. The BSMFP is the first research project to use a large research trawls to assess the biodiversity and abundance of offshore marine fishes in this area. In total, 48 species of fish were caught, one of which was a new occurrence in the Canadian Beaufort Sea, Lycodes lavalaei. DESCRIPTION: Basic biological data for all fish caught during the 2013 BSMFP expedition. Includes identification, weight, length (total, fork, and, standard), liver weight, gonad weight, sex and maturity level. PARAMETERS COLLECTED: family species weight total length fork length standard length liver weight gonad weight sex maturity SAMPLING METHODS: Various trawl types. 2024-08-13 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyBeam TrawlsField SurveysMyoxocephalus spPleuronectidaeEarth ScienceAnimals/VertebratesFishLampreys/HagfishesRay-finned FishesAnchovies/HerringsCods/HaddocksFloundersPerch-like FishesSalmons/TroutsSharks/Rays/ChimaerasAquatic EcosystemsBenthic HabitatDemersal HabitatMarine HabitatPelagic HabitatCommunity StructureFood-web DynamicsOceansAquatic SciencesTrawlActinopterygiiAmblyraja radiataArtediellus atlanticusClupeidaeClupeiformesCottidaeCyclopteridaeCyclopterus lumpusEchinodermataGadidaeGadiformesGadus ogacGlyptocephalus cynoglossusIcelus spatulaMallotus villosusMyoxocephalus quadricornisOsmeridaeOsmeriformesPerciformesPetromyzontidaePetromyzontiformesPleuronectiformesRajiformesScorpaeniformesSqualiformesAnimal populationsAquatic animalsAquatic ecosystemsAquatic wildlifeArcticArctic ecosystemsBiological diversityBiologyCollaborative researchEcologyEcosystemsEnvironmentIchthyologyMarine biologyNorthern CanadaOffshore areaResearchScientific researchZoologyArctic OceanBeaufort Sea Basic Biological Data from Fish Caught during the Beaufort Sea Marine Fishes Project (BSMFP), August and September 2013PDF 2013 Beaufort Sea Marine Fishes Project (BSMFP) - Fish DataCSV Data Dictionary FishPDF Map of sample areaESRI REST Map of sample areaESRI REST


From August 2nd to September 9th, 2013, Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted a baseline survey of marine fishes and their habitats in the southern Canadian Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf as part of the Beaufort Regional Environmental Assessment (BREA) called the Beaufort Sea Marine Fishes Project (BSMFP). Sampling was conducted from the F/V Frosti at 53 stations along 8 transects. Standardized sampling was conducted using benthic trawling nets. The BSMFP is the first research project to use a large research trawls to assess the biodiversity and abundance of offshore marine fishes in this area. In total, 48 species of fish were caught, one of which was a new occurrence in the Canadian Beaufort Sea, Lycodes lavalaei.


Basic biological data for all fish caught during the 2013 BSMFP expedition. Includes identification, weight, length (total, fork, and, standard), liver weight, gonad weight, sex and maturity level.





total length

fork length

standard length

liver weight

gonad weight




Various trawl types.

Data and Resources

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