Notice to Exporters Multiple destination permit for dual-use items

Notice to Exporters Multiple destination permit for dual-use items 1. Subject to certain conditions and limitations, exporters may apply for a permit that allows the export of certain items included in Group 1 and Item 5504 of the Export Control List to consignees in 26 countries. These Multiple Destination Permits for Dual-Use Items (MDP-Dual-Use) are available for use to countries whose governments, like Canada's, participate in four multilateral export control regimes, namely the Wassenaar Arrangement, the Missile Technology Control Regime, the Australia Group and the Nuclear Suppliers Group. 2025-02-04 Global Affairs Canada Economics and IndustryNoticeexportersduel-use items Notice to Exporters General Export Permit – Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations (Amendment) Export and Import Permits Act: Serial No. 194 - 2023-09-01HTML*/ Notice to Exporters General Export Permit – Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations (Amendment) Export and Import Permits Act: Serial No. 194 - 2023-09-01HTML*/ General Export Permit No. 41 – Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations - 2015-08-05HTML General Export Permit No. 41 – Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations - 2015-08-05HTML Proposed Regulation: General Export Permit No. 41 – Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations - 2013-11-12HTML Proposed Regulation: General Export Permit No. 41 – Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations - 2013-11-12HTML Notice to Exporters Multiple destination permit for dual-use items: Serial No. 177 - 2011-05-03HTML*/ Notice to Exporters Multiple destination permit for dual-use items: Serial No. 177 - 2011-05-03HTML*/ Notice to Exporters Export Controls over Goods and Technology for Certain Uses Serial No. 176 - 2011-03-01HTML Notice to Exporters Export Controls over Goods and Technology for Certain Uses Serial No. 176 - 2011-03-01HTML Notice to Exporters No. 177 - Multiple destination permit for dual-use items Schedule 1 - Excluded Goods and TechnologyHTML*/ Notice to Exporters No. 177 - Multiple destination permit for dual-use items Schedule 1 - Excluded Goods and TechnologyHTML*/
  1. Subject to certain conditions and limitations, exporters may apply for a permit that allows the export of certain items included in Group 1 and Item 5504 of the Export Control List to consignees in 26 countries. These Multiple Destination Permits for Dual-Use Items (MDP-Dual-Use) are available for use to countries whose governments, like Canada's, participate in four multilateral export control regimes, namely the Wassenaar Arrangement, the Missile Technology Control Regime, the Australia Group and the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

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