Canadian Digital Surface Model, 2000

Canadian Digital Surface Model, 2000 This is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards. The Canadian Digital Surface Model (CDSM) is part of Natural Resources Canada's altimetry system designed to better meet the users' needs for elevation data and products. The 0.75-second (~20 m) CDSM consists of a derived product from the original 1-second (30 m) Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) digital surface model (DSM). In these data, the elevations are captured at the top of buildings, trees, structures, and other objects rather than at ground level. A CDSM mosaic can be obtained for a pre-defined or user-defined extent. The coverage and resolution of a mosaic varies according to the extent of the requested area. Derived products such as slope, shaded relief and colour shaded relief maps can also be generated on demand by using the Geospatial-Data Extraction tool. Data can then be saved in many formats. The pre-packaged GeoTiff datasets are based on the National Topographic System of Canada (NTS) at the 1:50 000 scale; the NTS index file is available in the Resources section in many formats. 2023-06-10 Natural Resources Canada Form DescriptorsCanadaEarth ScienceselevationreliefgeomaticsGeoBaseCDSMDEMGeographic information systemsGeomaticsEarth sciencesCartographyGeographyGeographic dataTopography Canadian Digital Surface Model, Color Shaded ReliefWMS Canadian Digital Surface Model, Color Shaded ReliefWMS Download directory for pre-assembled GeoTIFF filesGeoTIF Canadian Digital Surface Model - Product SpecificationsPDF Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF of the CDSMGeoTIF Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF of the CDSM hillshadeGeoTIF CDSM product index (drag and drop the kmz file in Google Earth to localize your region of interest)KMZ Canadian Digital Surface Model - Product SpecificationsPDF Customized files and derived products in GeoTIFF format (Geospatial-Data Extraction tool)GeoTIF Customized files and derived products in ASCII Grid format (Geospatial-Data Extraction tool)ASCII Grid Customized files and derived products in GeoTIFF format (Geospatial-Data Extraction tool)GeoTIF Customized files and derived products in ASCII Grid format (Geospatial-Data Extraction tool)ASCII Grid NTS Index (Use to identify the number of your area of interest)HTML NTS index (Use to identify the number of your area of interest)HTML Documentation on the use of the Elevation APIHTML Documentation on the use of the Elevation APIHTML

This is a legacy product that is no longer supported. It may not meet current government standards.

The Canadian Digital Surface Model (CDSM) is part of Natural Resources Canada's altimetry system designed to better meet the users' needs for elevation data and products. The 0.75-second (~20 m) CDSM consists of a derived product from the original 1-second (30 m) Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) digital surface model (DSM). In these data, the elevations are captured at the top of buildings, trees, structures, and other objects rather than at ground level.

A CDSM mosaic can be obtained for a pre-defined or user-defined extent. The coverage and resolution of a mosaic varies according to the extent of the requested area.

Derived products such as slope, shaded relief and colour shaded relief maps can also be generated on demand by using the Geospatial-Data Extraction tool. Data can then be saved in many formats.

The pre-packaged GeoTiff datasets are based on the National Topographic System of Canada (NTS) at the 1:50 000 scale; the NTS index file is available in the Resources section in many formats.

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