The Public Health Agency of Canada Biosafety and biosecurity inspection summaries for organizations working with human pathogens and toxins

The Public Health Agency of Canada Biosafety and biosecurity inspection summaries for organizations working with human pathogens and toxins The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) conducts biosafety and biosecurity inspections to verify organizations’ compliance with the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act (HPTA), the Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations (HPTR), and the applicable sections of the Health of Animals Act and Health of Animals Regulations (HAA/HAR). The inspections allow PHAC to determine if an organization meets the conditions of its Pathogen and Toxin Licence, as well as to identify deficiencies and provide corrective measures to prevent serious safety risks. 2024-12-12 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and Safetybiosafety and biosecuritybiosafetybiosecurityinspectionCBSCentre for BiosecurityGovernment DataCanadian Biosafety Standard Biosafety and Biosecurity Inspection Summaries AnnexesTXT Biosafety and Biosecurity Inspection Summaries AnnexesTXT Biosafety and Biosecurity Inspection Summaries AnnexesPDF Biosafety and Biosecurity Inspection Summaries AnnexesPDF Inspection Summaries 2022-2023CSV Inspection Summaries 2022-2023CSV Inspection Summaries 2023-2024CSV Inspection Summaries 2023-2024CSV Inspection Summaries Q1 2024-2025CSV Inspection Summaries Q1 2024-2025CSV Inspection Summaries Q2 2024-225CSV Inspection Summaries Q2 2024-225CSV

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) conducts biosafety and biosecurity inspections to verify organizations’ compliance with the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act (HPTA), the Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations (HPTR), and the applicable sections of the Health of Animals Act and Health of Animals Regulations (HAA/HAR).

The inspections allow PHAC to determine if an organization meets the conditions of its Pathogen and Toxin Licence, as well as to identify deficiencies and provide corrective measures to prevent serious safety risks.

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