Directory of musical adaptations

Directory of musical adaptations Partial list of adaptations of songs and musical pieces including several metadata about the piece and the authorities (natural or legal persons) who wrote them (author or composer) or performed them, the language of interpretation, the date of creation, the date of creation, the place of birth of the authors, composers and performers and various other historical information. For example, the directory reveals that the nursery rhyme “Frère Jacques” has been adapted into more than 100 languages (including an interpretation in Klingon) since its creation at the end of the 18th century. The song “Lindberg”, for its part, was adapted into English and Italian. “Y'a-tu d'la bière ici” is an adaptation of a song taken from an 1890 musical, itself adapted from a play composed and performed in a brothel in Missouri in 1880. Purpose: To create a universal repertoire of adaptations of musical pieces in an open and linked format. 2024-07-24 Government and Municipalities of Québec Society and Culture Directory of musical adaptationsCSV Original metadata (

Partial list of adaptations of songs and musical pieces including several metadata about the piece and the authorities (natural or legal persons) who wrote them (author or composer) or performed them, the language of interpretation, the date of creation, the date of creation, the place of birth of the authors, composers and performers and various other historical information. For example, the directory reveals that the nursery rhyme “Frère Jacques” has been adapted into more than 100 languages (including an interpretation in Klingon) since its creation at the end of the 18th century. The song “Lindberg”, for its part, was adapted into English and Italian. “Y'a-tu d'la bière ici” is an adaptation of a song taken from an 1890 musical, itself adapted from a play composed and performed in a brothel in Missouri in 1880. Purpose: To create a universal repertoire of adaptations of musical pieces in an open and linked format.

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