Water Surface Evaporation over Canada's Landmass

Water Surface Evaporation over Canada's Landmass The datasets contain water surface evaporation (PET, in mm of H2O) over Canada's landmass at a spatial resolution of 10-km and temporal intervals of a month and a year over a 24-year period of 2000-2023. The PET was produced by the Land Surface Model EALCO (Ecological Assimilation of Land and Climate Observations) developed at Natural Resources Canada. The PET algorithm in EALCO integrates the dynamic surface evolutions of liquid water, ice, and snow-on-ice for a waterbody into the Penman Equation. The PET was simulated at a daily time step. The monthly (or annual) PET in the datasets is the sum of the daily PET values in a month (or a year). Dew and frost formations simulated by EALCO are included in the PET as negative values, so the PET represents the net water flux between water surface and the atmosphere. Details of the dataset and the EALCO PET modelling algorithms can be found in Li, Wang, and Li (2020, Spatial variations and long‑term trends of potential evaporation in Canada. Scientific Reports, 10: 22089, doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78994-9). 2024-10-29 Natural Resources Canada shusen.wang@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyEarth ObservationAtmosphereEALCOLakesSurface waterWaterHydrologyClimateDatabases Water Surface Evaporation over Canada's LandmassWMS https://datacube.services.geo.ca/wrapper/ramp/ogc/evapotranspiration?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS&version=1.3.0&layers=pet-year&legend_format=image%2Fpng&feature_info_type=text%2Fxml Water Surface Evaporation over Canada's LandmassWMS https://datacube.services.geo.ca/wrapper/ramp/ogc/evapotranspiration?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS&version=1.3.0&layers=pet-year&legend_format=image%2Fpng&feature_info_type=text%2Fxml Water Surface Evaporation over Canada's LandmassWMS https://datacube.services.geo.ca/ows/evapotranspiration?request=getcapabilities&service=wms&version=1.3.0&layers=pet-year&legend_format=image%2Fpng&feature_info_type=text%2Fxml Yearly Data - SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) Application Programming Interface (API)JSON https://datacube.services.geo.ca/stac/api/search?collections=pet-year Monthly Cloud Optimized GeoTiFF (COG) - SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) browserGeoTIF https://radiantearth.github.io/stac-browser/#/external/datacube.services.geo.ca/stac/api/collections/pet-month?.language=en Yearly Cloud Optimized GeoTiFF (COG) - SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) browserGeoTIF https://radiantearth.github.io/stac-browser/#/external/datacube.services.geo.ca/stac/api/collections/pet-year?.language=en Monthly Data - SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) Application Programming Interface (API)JSON https://datacube.services.geo.ca/stac/api/search?collections=pet-month

The datasets contain water surface evaporation (PET, in mm of H2O) over Canada's landmass at a spatial resolution of 10-km and temporal intervals of a month and a year over a 24-year period of 2000-2023. The PET was produced by the Land Surface Model EALCO (Ecological Assimilation of Land and Climate Observations) developed at Natural Resources Canada. The PET algorithm in EALCO integrates the dynamic surface evolutions of liquid water, ice, and snow-on-ice for a waterbody into the Penman Equation. The PET was simulated at a daily time step. The monthly (or annual) PET in the datasets is the sum of the daily PET values in a month (or a year). Dew and frost formations simulated by EALCO are included in the PET as negative values, so the PET represents the net water flux between water surface and the atmosphere. Details of the dataset and the EALCO PET modelling algorithms can be found in Li, Wang, and Li (2020, Spatial variations and long‑term trends of potential evaporation in Canada. Scientific Reports, 10: 22089, doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78994-9).

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Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: shusen.wang@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca

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