Forest Birds - Bruce Peninsula

Forest Birds - Bruce Peninsula Forest birds are diverse in Ontario, with many species being common or very common on the Bruce Peninsula (i.e., American Redstart, Black-throated Green Warbler, Pileated Woodpecker. etc.). The national park monitors breeding forest birds (mostly songbirds and woodpeckers) with pre-programmed automated recorders at 20 sites (four routes), split equally between deciduous and coniferous forests. 2024-04-14 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentForest birdswarblerswoodpeckersvireosbreedingautomated recordersdeciduousconiferousGreat LakesOntario Forest Birds - Bruce PeninsulaCSV Forest Birds - Bruce Peninsula - Data DictonaryCSV

Forest birds are diverse in Ontario, with many species being common or very common on the Bruce Peninsula (i.e., American Redstart, Black-throated Green Warbler, Pileated Woodpecker. etc.). The national park monitors breeding forest birds (mostly songbirds and woodpeckers) with pre-programmed automated recorders at 20 sites (four routes), split equally between deciduous and coniferous forests.

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