We publish Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant emissions projections annually. These projections help measure progress in reducing emissions and combating climate change. GHG projections are presented for various scenarios. Air pollutant emissions projections reflect our efforts to reduce air pollution.
Site Contents:
• current_projections_actuelles: Contains the latest projections from Canada's First Biennial Transparency Report (2024).
• previous_projections_precedentes: Includes projections reported since 2017.
From 2021, a file named “combined-table-tableau-combiné.xlsx” is also included in the top folder. This file contains a summary of all data tables included in the “GHG – GES” and "Energy - Énergie" sub-folders
Key Folders:
• GHG – GES (introduced in 2018): Contains GHG and air pollutant emissions data. From 2021, includes LULUCF net GHG fluxes and accounting contributions. From 2024, includes net GHG flux historical estimates and projections from provinces and territories by land category.
• Energy – Énergie (introduced in 2018): Includes energy and macroeconomic data. From 2021, includes emission factors for flaring, venting, and fugitive emissions for the Oil and Gas sector. From 2022, includes sub-folders with results for the reference case and additional measures scenarios. From 2023, includes emissions per capita by province/territory and for Canada. From 2024, includes a document outlining the calculation of electricity grid intensities with and without biogenic carbon dioxide emissions.
Additional Sub-Folders (introduced in 2022):
• Reference Scenario de reference: Reflects the current Reference Case scenario.
• AM Scenario AMS: Reflects the current Additional Measures scenario. From 2023, includes macroeconomic assumptions.
Current and previous projections report can be accessed through our webpage: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/greenhouse-gas-emissions/projections.html.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Greenhouse gas emissions projections (English)HTMLEnglish guide HTML
Greenhouse gas emissions projections (French)HTMLFrench guide HTML
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View ECCC Data Mart (French)HTMLFrench web_service HTML