Historical Forestry-Related Features
This data collection contains various historical features within Alberta related to the Dominion Forestry Branch (DFB), and the early days of the Alberta Forest Service (AFS). The data collection consists of the following: Historical Forest Reserve Boundaries (1900 to 1930). Timber Berth boundaries (1910 to 1923). Early Ground and Aerial Fire Patrol Routes. Air Stations (1920s). Locations of DFB Forest Surveys (1910 to 1915). AFS Forest and District Boundaries (circa 1938). These datasets provide approximate locations of the features they represent and are intended for use in medium to small-scale mapping. No spatial accuracy tests were conducted on any of the data. Features derived from land locations tied in the Alberta Township System (ATS) are likely to be accurate providing there were no errors in transcribing the locations. However features digitized from old maps will have poor spatial accuracy ranging from several kilometres to a few hundred metres, depending on the map scale, map projection, and the accuracy of the features on the source map.
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Alberta
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Alberta
Data and Resources
Historical Forestry-Related Features - (HTML)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Original metadata (https://open.alberta.ca/opendata)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Historical Forestry-Related Features - (XML)XMLEnglish dataset XML
Contact Information
Electronic Mail Address: don.page@gov.ab.ca