Breakdown of COVID-19 positive hospital admissions

Breakdown of COVID-19 positive hospital admissions This dataset details the percentage of COVID-19 positive patients in hospitals and ICUs for COVID-19 related reasons, and for reasons other than COVID-19. Data includes: * reporting date * percentage of COVID-19 positive patients in hospital admitted for COVID-19 * percentage of COVID-19 positive patients in hospital admitted for other reasons * percentage of COVID-19 positive patients in ICU admitted for COVID-19 * percentage of COVID-19 positive patients in ICU admitted for other reasons **Effective November 14, 2024 this page will no longer be updated. Information about COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses is available on Public Health Ontario’s interactive respiratory virus tool: ** Due to incomplete weekend and holiday reporting, data for hospital and ICU admissions are not updated on Sundays, Mondays and the day after holidays. This dataset is subject to change. 2025-01-22 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsCOVID-19HealthHealth and wellness Breakdown of COVID-19 positive hospital admissionsCSV

This dataset details the percentage of COVID-19 positive patients in hospitals and ICUs for COVID-19 related reasons, and for reasons other than COVID-19. Data includes: * reporting date * percentage of COVID-19 positive patients in hospital admitted for COVID-19 * percentage of COVID-19 positive patients in hospital admitted for other reasons * percentage of COVID-19 positive patients in ICU admitted for COVID-19 * percentage of COVID-19 positive patients in ICU admitted for other reasons Effective November 14, 2024 this page will no longer be updated. Information about COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses is available on Public Health Ontario’s interactive respiratory virus tool: Due to incomplete weekend and holiday reporting, data for hospital and ICU admissions are not updated on Sundays, Mondays and the day after holidays. This dataset is subject to change.

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