Advanced regeneration of balsam fir - Gros Morne

Advanced regeneration of balsam fir - Gros Morne Overbrowsing of balsam fir saplings by introduced moose can lead to stand conversion to non-forest. The park measures the browse rates of fir saplings in mature forest stands, which will indicate whether non-browsed advanced regeneration is sufficent to allow stand replacement following disturbance. Browsed and unbrowsed saplings are being enumerated in 1x20 m strip transects, 6 of which are sampled at each of 15 randomnly selected sites in mature forests throughout the 3 ecoregions in GMNP (90 strip transects total). Sampling will occur every 2 years during the months of July to September. 2024-04-26 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentBalsam FirAdvanced RegenerationMooseOverbrowsingTransectsNewfoundland Understory woody plant diversity and advanced regeneration of balsam fir - Gros Morne - DataCSV Understory woody plant diversity and advanced regeneration of balsam fir - Gros Morne - Data dictionary CSV

Overbrowsing of balsam fir saplings by introduced moose can lead to stand conversion to non-forest. The park measures the browse rates of fir saplings in mature forest stands, which will indicate whether non-browsed advanced regeneration is sufficent to allow stand replacement following disturbance. Browsed and unbrowsed saplings are being enumerated in 1x20 m strip transects, 6 of which are sampled at each of 15 randomnly selected sites in mature forests throughout the 3 ecoregions in GMNP (90 strip transects total). Sampling will occur every 2 years during the months of July to September.

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