This dataset provides the point locations of horse bands as they were observed during annual aerial surveys. Equine Management Zones are surveyed using a helicopter and horses observed on the landscape during minimum count surveys are reported. Data is stored in file geodatabase, feature class format with associated attributes, meaning each point has a number of horses observed and age class. This dataset simply reports the horses counted on the landscape at one snapshot in time. This data also depicts the flight track flown during the annual aerial minimum counts. Surveys are flown by helicopter once per year when suitable conditions permit. Areas are typically flown by grid pattern within high density areas and over known horse locations. In low density areas, preferred habitats are flown. For additional methodology information and results from prior years please visit
Made available by the Government of Alberta
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Alberta
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Alberta
Data and Resources
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2018 - (FGDB/GDB)FGDB/GDBEnglish dataset FGDB/GDB
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2021 - (FGDB/GDB)FGDB/GDBEnglish dataset FGDB/GDB
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2022 - (FGDB/GDB)FGDB/GDBEnglish dataset FGDB/GDB
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2023 - (FGDB/GDB)FGDB/GDBEnglish dataset FGDB/GDB
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2024 - (FGDB/GDB)FGDB/GDBEnglish dataset FGDB/GDB
Feral Horse Minimum Count 2019 (FGDB) (From Alberta Geodiscover Portal metadata)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Feral Horse Minimum Count - (HTML)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Feral Horse Minimum Count Maps (PDF) (From Alberta Geodiscover Portal metadata)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Feral Horse Management (From Alberta Geodiscover Portal metadata)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Original metadata ( dataset HTML
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2018 - (SHP)SHPEnglish dataset SHP
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2019 - (SHP)SHPEnglish dataset SHP
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2021 - (SHP)SHPEnglish dataset SHP
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2022 - (SHP)SHPEnglish dataset SHP
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2023 - (SHP)SHPEnglish dataset SHP
Feral Horse Minimum Count - 2024 - (SHP)SHPEnglish dataset SHP
Feral Horse Minimum Count - (XML)XMLEnglish dataset XML
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