Wildlife management units

Wildlife management units Wildlife Management Units are used for a number of wildlife management purposes, like indicating the areas of Ontario where hunting open seasons and harvest quotas apply. Wildlife Management Unit boundaries are regulated under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act - Ontario Regulation 663/98, Part 6 as amended. 2024-05-15 Government of Ontario Economics and IndustryEconomy and BusinessEnvironment and Natural ResourcesEnvironment and energyGovernment information Wildlife Management Unit (extracted from geohub)ESRI REST https://ws.lioservices.lrc.gov.on.ca/arcgis2/rest/services/LIO_OPEN_DATA/LIO_Open05/MapServer/5 Wildlife Management Unit (extracted from geohub)ESRI REST https://ws.lioservices.lrc.gov.on.ca/arcgis2/rest/services/LIO_OPEN_DATA/LIO_Open05/MapServer/5 Access to Wildlife management unitsHTML https://geohub.lio.gov.on.ca/datasets/wildlife-management-unit Accéder à la page Unités de gestion de la fauneHTML https://geohub-fr.lio.gov.on.ca/datasets/unit%C3%A9s-de-gestion-de-la-faune Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/852767c1-d6be-424b-b53e-48276e0d0db5 Original metadata (https://data.ontario.ca/fr)HTML https://data.ontario.ca/fr/dataset/852767c1-d6be-424b-b53e-48276e0d0db5 Complete File Geodatabase (extracted from geohub)ZIP https://www.gisapplication.lrc.gov.on.ca/fmedatadownload/Packages/fgdb/WILDADMU.zip Complete Shapefile (extracted from geohub)ZIP https://www.gisapplication.lrc.gov.on.ca/fmedatadownload/Packages/WILDADMU.zip QGIS Layer Definition File (.qlr) (extracted from geohub)other https://www.publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/mirb/lio-open-qlr-eng/wildlife-management-unit.qlr QGIS Layer Definition File (.qlr) (extracted from geohub)other https://www.publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/mirb/lio-open-qlr-fre/unités-de-gestion-de-la-faune.qlr

Wildlife Management Units are used for a number of wildlife management purposes, like indicating the areas of Ontario where hunting open seasons and harvest quotas apply. Wildlife Management Unit boundaries are regulated under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act - Ontario Regulation 663/98, Part 6 as amended.

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