2021-22 Consumer Attitudes Towards Innovative Agricultural Technologies Survey and Focus Groups

2021-22 Consumer Attitudes Towards Innovative Agricultural Technologies Survey and Focus Groups Building on previous research waves in 2011 and 2016, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) launched a third wave of public opinion research to assess Canadians’ perceptions and attitudes towards emerging agricultural technologies and their applications in the sector, and to gather information on public trust regarding these technologies. Having explored some of these issues in past research, this study generated comparative data, allowing AAFC to track Canadians’ attitudes over time. In addition, the results provide insights into Canadians’ knowledge and awareness of new technologies that did not exist or were emerging at the time of previous research. This research will inform policy development and engagement strategies by providing critical insights on the opinions of Canadians on agricultural innovation. 2024-11-07 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada samantha.mclellan@agr.gc.ca AgricultureScience and TechnologyAgricultureBiotechnologyBiofuelsGene-editingCellular AgricultureRegulationsSurveyFocus groupsAgricultural technologies 2021-22 Consumer Attitudes Towards Innovative Agricultural Technologies Survey and Focus Groups (English)HTML https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/pwgsc-tpsgc/por-ef/agriculture_agri-food/2022/001-21-e/eng-rep.html 2021-22 Consumer Attitudes Towards Innovative Agricultural Technologies Survey and Focus Groups (English)PDF https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/pwgsc-tpsgc/por-ef/agriculture_agri-food/2022/001-21-e/POR001-21_Report.pdf 2021-22 Consumer Attitudes Towards Innovative Agricultural Technologies Survey and Focus Groups (English)CSV https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/pwgsc-tpsgc/por-ef/agriculture_agri-food/2022/001-21-e/POR001-21_Dataset.csv 2021-22 Consumer Attitudes Towards Innovative Agricultural Technologies Survey and Focus Groups (French)HTML https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/pwgsc-tpsgc/por-ef/agriculture_agri-food/2022/001-21-f/fre-rep.html 2021-22 Consumer Attitudes Towards Innovative Agricultural Technologies Survey and Focus Groups (French)PDF https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/pwgsc-tpsgc/por-ef/agriculture_agri-food/2022/001-21-f/POR001-21_Rapport.pdf 2021-22 Consumer Attitudes Towards Innovative Agricultural Technologies Survey and Focus Groups (French)CSV https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/pwgsc-tpsgc/por-ef/agriculture_agri-food/2022/001-21-f/POR001-21_Dataset.csv

Building on previous research waves in 2011 and 2016, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) launched a third wave of public opinion research to assess Canadians’ perceptions and attitudes towards emerging agricultural technologies and their applications in the sector, and to gather information on public trust regarding these technologies. Having explored some of these issues in past research, this study generated comparative data, allowing AAFC to track Canadians’ attitudes over time. In addition, the results provide insights into Canadians’ knowledge and awareness of new technologies that did not exist or were emerging at the time of previous research. This research will inform policy development and engagement strategies by providing critical insights on the opinions of Canadians on agricultural innovation.

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