Infrastructure Footprint - Prince Edward Island

Infrastructure Footprint - Prince Edward Island The removal and restoration of outdated infrastructure has been an ongoing since 2009, with formal tracking and monitoring for forest and coastal ecosystems starting in 2014. The natural function of an ecosystem is highly degraded by above and below ground infrastructure. A five step scale was developed to rate the level of disturbance of a site from its natural state, with one (1) having no ecosystem function or extremely little ecological value (i.e. a built road or building) and zero (0) being a fully restored and self-sustaining ecosystem. All infrastructure in PEI National Park has been mapped through GIS and its footprint area recorded. The site condition ecological disturbance rank (0-1) has been applied to all areas with infrastructure or that are under restoration. This data is updated according to each site’s restoration monitoring plan. 2024-04-18 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentPEI National Parkforestinfrastructurefootprintcondition Infrastructure Footprint - Prince Edward Island - 1CSV Infrastructure Footprint - Prince Edward Island - Data Dictionary - 2CSV

The removal and restoration of outdated infrastructure has been an ongoing since 2009, with formal tracking and monitoring for forest and coastal ecosystems starting in 2014. The natural function of an ecosystem is highly degraded by above and below ground infrastructure. A five step scale was developed to rate the level of disturbance of a site from its natural state, with one (1) having no ecosystem function or extremely little ecological value (i.e. a built road or building) and zero (0) being a fully restored and self-sustaining ecosystem. All infrastructure in PEI National Park has been mapped through GIS and its footprint area recorded. The site condition ecological disturbance rank (0-1) has been applied to all areas with infrastructure or that are under restoration. This data is updated according to each site’s restoration monitoring plan.

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