Intermodal Surface Security and Emergency Preparedness - Oversight Program Description and Delivery

Intermodal Surface Security and Emergency Preparedness - Oversight Program Description and Delivery The Intermodal Surface Security Oversight Program works with stakeholders to improve the security of Canada’s intermodal and surface transportation systems. It focuses on the security of Canada’s passenger and freight railways, urban transit, and international bridges and tunnels. The program prioritizes inspections using a risk-based process, which is also used to determine where and how to use resources. This risk-based approach is especially valuable since the program does not have enough resources to inspect every site and facility each year. 2022-01-10 Transport Canada TransportOPDDOversightSurface Transportation SecuritySecurityTransportationPassenger RailwayFreight RailwayInspections Intermodal Surface Security and Emergency Preparedness - Oversight Program Description and DeliveryPDF Intermodal Surface Security and Emergency Preparedness - Oversight Program Description and DeliveryPDF

The Intermodal Surface Security Oversight Program works with stakeholders to improve the security of Canada’s intermodal and surface transportation systems. It focuses on the security of Canada’s passenger and freight railways, urban transit, and international bridges and tunnels. The program prioritizes inspections using a risk-based process, which is also used to determine where and how to use resources. This risk-based approach is especially valuable since the program does not have enough resources to inspect every site and facility each year.

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