Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network

Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network Provides stream water quality monitoring data for a number of parameters, including total and dissolved nutrients, metals, and chloride. The Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) measures water quality in rivers and streams across Ontario. This dataset provides stream water quality monitoring data for a number of parameters, including total and dissolved nutrients, metals, and chloride. Spatial information for stream monitoring locations across Ontario are also available. Keywords: Streamwater, Nutrients, Fresh Water [Stream Water Quality Map]( 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsEnvironment and Natural ResourcesEnvironment and energyEMRBwaterwater quality Data 2019-March 2021CSV Data 2010-2018CSV Data 2000-2009CSV Data 1990-1999CSV Data 1980-1989CSV Data 1970-1979CSV Data 1964-1969CSV MetadataPDF _(PWQMN)_metadata_EN.pdf MetadataPDF _(PWQMN)_metadata_FR.pdf CoordinatesCSV Method CodesCSV Code de méthodeXLSX Remark Value QualifiersXLSX Qualificatifs de valeur de remarqueXLSX DataCSV Field DataCSV Parameter LookupCSV

Provides stream water quality monitoring data for a number of parameters, including total and dissolved nutrients, metals, and chloride. The Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) measures water quality in rivers and streams across Ontario. This dataset provides stream water quality monitoring data for a number of parameters, including total and dissolved nutrients, metals, and chloride. Spatial information for stream monitoring locations across Ontario are also available. Keywords: Streamwater, Nutrients, Fresh Water Stream Water Quality Map

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