Air Quality Risk
The data, created in ArcGIS, represents an assessment of air quality risk for the agricultural area of Alberta in 2005. Agricultural activities that may have some influence on air quality manure production (odour) and cultivation intensity (particulate matter). The airsheds of the agricultural region of Alberta are considered to be uniform in their physical susceptibility to risk from agricultural activities. Air quality risk is a useful measure for those concerned about health, safety and nuisance issues related the quality of air in agricultural areas. Awareness of where agricultural activities related to livestock production and intensive cultivation are located, may be useful for people with health or nuisance related concerns. Blowing soil can cause respiratory problems and can reduce visibility on roads and highways. Dust from farm traffic can be a concern during peak agricultural activity, such as harvesting or manure hauling. Frequent strong odours can be unpleasant nuisance for neighbours. In areas of greater air quality risk, environmental farm planning can help to address the issues and provide solutions. Practices including pen/barn maintenance, method of manure application, manure storage, composting, adjusting, feed rations and reducing or eliminating tillage can be looked at in an environmental farm plan.
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Alberta
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Alberta
Data and Resources
Air Quality Risk - (ESRI REST)ESRI RESTEnglish web_service ESRI REST
Air Quality Risk - (ESRI REST)ESRI RESTEnglish web_service ESRI REST
Air Quality Risk - (HTML)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Dataset (From Alberta Geodiscorver Portal metadata)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Original metadata ( dataset HTML
WMS (From Alberta Geodiscorver Portal metadata)WMSEnglish web_service WMS
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