This dataset includes daily averages of solar irradiance on tilted surfaces for all of Canada based on the period of 1998 - 2020. The solar irradiance data is available in the following layers at a resolution of about 0.1°x0.1° (~10 km grid spacing) for all of Canada (i.e., 41.6 to 83.1°N, and 52.6 to 141.0°W):
Four fixed tilts, relative to the horizontal plane, of 0° (horizontal), 30°, 60°, and 90° (vertical)
Three fixed tilts, relative to the local latitude 0°, +15°, and -15°
A two-axis tracking surface
For each tilt angle, the irradiance values are in kWh/m2 (per day) for the selected time period.
The data can be viewed as a map service and by downloading the tabular data included.
Refer to the supporting documentation and dataset for more information.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Natural Resources Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Format of Solar Map DataPDFEnglish guide PDF
Format of Solar Map DataPDFFrench guide PDF
Average Daily Insolation in Canada (1998 - 2020)XLSXEnglish dataset XLSX
Average Daily Insolation in Canada (1998 - 2020)XLSXFrench dataset XLSX
Daily Average Solar Irradiance (1998-2020)HTMLEnglish web_service HTML
Daily Average Solar Irradiance (1998-2020)HTMLFrench web_service HTML
Contact Information
Delivery Point: 1 Haanel Drive
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