Monkeypox is usually a self-limited viral infection with a rash that may be painful. Most people recover on their own after a few weeks. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is working with health authorities in the provinces and territories to investigate cases of monkeypox in Canada. Updates to the data and maps occurs twice weekly, on Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 noon ET to reflect the 'current situation'.
The data reflects detailed case information provided to PHAC by health authorities in the provinces and territories. The data may change retroactively as more information about previously reported cases becomes available. Updates to the 'detailed case information' section is once a week, on Fridays at 12 noon ET.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Public Health Agency of Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Monkeypox (orthopoxvirus simian) SymptomsHTMLEnglish website HTML
Monkeypox (orthopoxvirus simian) SymptomsHTMLFrench website HTML
Monkeypox Dashboard HTMLEnglish website HTML
Monkeypox Dashboard HTMLFrench website HTML
Monkeypox Case Data CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Monkeypox Case Data CSVFrench dataset CSV
International Case Data CSVEnglish dataset CSV
International Case Data CSVFrench dataset CSV
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