Community-Based Coastal Resource Inventory

Community-Based Coastal Resource Inventory Points, polylines and polygons where species and features have been found, harvested or detailed. Community Based Coastal Resource Inventory (CCRI) – Fisheries and Oceans Canada in conjunction with several Federal and Provincial agencies created, implemented, and managed a program which set out to develop a coastal resource inventory based on the traditional knowledge of local residents. Through partnerships with the province of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Regional Economic Development (RED) Boards and other community based groups the project assembled a database containing several decade’s worth of local knowledge. The value of the information collected came through individual interviews with people who had extensive knowledge of the immediate geography and resource, having lived, worked and harvested the regions over a lifetime. This project ran from 1996 to 2007. 2024-02-15 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Nature and EnvironmentFisheriesEcosystemsManagementOceans Community-Based Coastal Resource InventoryFGDB/GDB Data DictionaryCSV Community Based Coastal Resource Inventory (CCRI)ESRI REST Community Based Coastal Resource Inventory (CCRI)ESRI REST

Points, polylines and polygons where species and features have been found, harvested or detailed.

Community Based Coastal Resource Inventory (CCRI) – Fisheries and Oceans Canada in conjunction with several Federal and Provincial agencies created, implemented, and managed a program which set out to develop a coastal resource inventory based on the traditional knowledge of local residents. Through partnerships with the province of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Regional Economic Development (RED) Boards and other community based groups the project assembled a database containing several decade’s worth of local knowledge. The value of the information collected came through individual interviews with people who had extensive knowledge of the immediate geography and resource, having lived, worked and harvested the regions over a lifetime. This project ran from 1996 to 2007.

Data and Resources

Contact Information

Delivery Point: 80 East White HIlls Rd

City: St. John's

Administrative Area: Newfoundland and Labrador

Electronic Mail Address:

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