Baseline survey on understanding and awareness of sport-related concussions

Baseline survey on understanding and awareness of sport-related concussions Concussions in sport are a recognized public health issue due to the frequency of occurrence and their potential short and long-term consequences, including cognitive, emotional and physical symptoms and, when left undetected, even death. This research is essential for gathering information on Canadians’ current understanding of concussions (and particularly concussions in children and youth) in order to inform the development of a Pan-Canadian Concussion Strategy. This research will also help establish a baseline of information, which will be used to measure progress and report on performance, following the implementation of the Canadian Guideline on concussion in sport and protocols on return-to-learn and return-to-play. 2022-02-21 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyConcussionSportCoachesHealthParentsResearchSurveyCognitiveChildren Baseline Survey on Understanding and Awareness of Sport-Related ConcussionsHTML Baseline Survey on Understanding and Awareness of Sport-Related ConcussionsPDF Baseline Survey on Understanding and Awareness of Sport-Related ConcussionsHTML Baseline Survey on Understanding and Awareness of Sport-Related ConcussionsPDF

Concussions in sport are a recognized public health issue due to the frequency of occurrence and their potential short and long-term consequences, including cognitive, emotional and physical symptoms and, when left undetected, even death. This research is essential for gathering information on Canadians’ current understanding of concussions (and particularly concussions in children and youth) in order to inform the development of a Pan-Canadian Concussion Strategy. This research will also help establish a baseline of information, which will be used to measure progress and report on performance, following the implementation of the Canadian Guideline on concussion in sport and protocols on return-to-learn and return-to-play.

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