Information received in response to the data gathering initiative on BENPAT

Information received in response to the data gathering initiative on BENPAT In an effort to increase transparency and to facilitate access to information on substances in commerce in Canada, the Government of Canada is publishing a summary of the information received in response to the Notice to provide information for the risk management of 1,4-benzenediamine, N,N′-mixed phenyl and tolyl derivatives (BENPAT). The notice was published on August 25, 2018 in the Canada Gazette, Part I: Vol. 152, No. 34, pursuant to paragraph 71(1)(b) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA). Information gathered under the notice will be considered to determine whether to control, or the manner in which to control the risks posed by the substance. This summary offers an overview of the information gathered under the initiative and includes general information on what was received from persons subject to the notice, including: - number and type of submissions; - activities (manufacture, import, use to manufacture); - industry classification; - substance functions; and - commercial uses. The final screening assessment report for BENPAT can be found on the Chemical substances in Batch 11 of the Challenge webpage To complement this summary, data compilation tables, containing additional details on the non-confidential information received, are available for download in Microsoft Excel and comma-separated value (CSV) format. Important information about this summary: In order to protect confidential business information (CBI), quantity ranges and exclusion of qualitative data have been applied in some cases. Qualitative data includes information that characterizes and categorizes information [e.g. company names, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, specified uses, Substance Function Codes, and Consumer and Commercial Codes]. The dataset does not include CBI, consequently, the figures presented may be an underestimate. Code 999 "Other" was provided for a Substance Function Code or a Consumer and Commercial Code, it indicates that the codes listed in the notice did not apply and a description was required. Please refer to the notice for the full list of codes and their descriptions. Supplemental Information Useful links: 2024-06-09 Environment and Climate Change Canada Nature and EnvironmentBENPATchemical management planCMPCanadian Environmental Protection ActCEPA 1999Canada Gazettedata gatheringsection 71chemical substancesChemical industry View ECCC Data Mart (English)HTML View ECCC Data Mart (French)HTML Intended Use-Usage prevu.csvCSV All Data-Toutes les donnees.xlsXLS Information Summary.pdfPDF Information Summary.pdfPDF NAICS Codes-Codes SCIAN.csvCSV Quantities-Quantites.csvCSV Function-Fonction.csvCSV

In an effort to increase transparency and to facilitate access to information on substances in commerce in Canada, the Government of Canada is publishing a summary of the information received in response to the Notice to provide information for the risk management of 1,4-benzenediamine, N,N′-mixed phenyl and tolyl derivatives (BENPAT). The notice was published on August 25, 2018 in the Canada Gazette, Part I: Vol. 152, No. 34, pursuant to paragraph 71(1)(b) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA). Information gathered under the notice will be considered to determine whether to control, or the manner in which to control the risks posed by the substance.

This summary offers an overview of the information gathered under the initiative and includes general information on what was received from persons subject to the notice, including:

  • number and type of submissions;
  • activities (manufacture, import, use to manufacture);
  • industry classification;
  • substance functions; and
  • commercial uses.

The final screening assessment report for BENPAT can be found on the Chemical substances in Batch 11 of the Challenge webpage

To complement this summary, data compilation tables, containing additional details on the non-confidential information received, are available for download in Microsoft Excel and comma-separated value (CSV) format.

Important information about this summary:

In order to protect confidential business information (CBI), quantity ranges and exclusion of qualitative data have been applied in some cases. Qualitative data includes information that characterizes and categorizes information [e.g. company names, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, specified uses, Substance Function Codes, and Consumer and Commercial Codes]. The dataset does not include CBI, consequently, the figures presented may be an underestimate.

Code 999 "Other" was provided for a Substance Function Code or a Consumer and Commercial Code, it indicates that the codes listed in the notice did not apply and a description was required.

Please refer to the notice for the full list of codes and their descriptions.

Supplemental Information

Useful links:

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