Monthly communication reports disclose prescribed details regarding "oral and arranged" communications between lobbyists and Designated Public Office Holders (DPOH). This dataset contains all monthly communication reports filed with the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying. These monthly communication reports were disclosed by registrants under the Lobbying Act, which came into force on July 2, 2008. The dataset provides a primary file as well as secondary files in CSV format allowing for one to many relationships for some data elements collected within a monthly communication report. Also available is a data dictionary file which provides a definition for all data elements contained within the dataset. Note that any content entered manually within a monthly communication report is in the language of choice of the user.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada
- Licence: Open Data Licence Agreement - Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Data and Resources
Monthly Communication ReportsCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Data Dictionary for Monthly Communication ReportsXLSEnglish French guide XLS