Ontario Detailed Soil Survey

Ontario Detailed Soil Survey The Ontario Detailed Soil Survey dataset series is at a scale of 1: 50 000 and consists of geo-referenced soil polygons with linkages to attribute data found in the associated Component File (CMP), Soil Names File (SNF) and Soil Layer File (SLF). Together, these datasets describe the spatial distribution of soils and associated landscapes for nearly all agricultural areas in southern Ontario. 2024-09-10 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada aafc.cansis-siscan.aac@agr.gc.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologySoil taxonomy Pre-packaged FGDB filesFGDB/GDB https://agriculture.canada.ca/atlas/data_donnees/detailedSoilSurvey/data_donnees/fgdb/on_detailed_soils_gdb.zip Pre-packaged GeoJSON filesGEOJSON https://agriculture.canada.ca/atlas/data_donnees/detailedSoilSurvey/data_donnees/geoJSON/on_detailed_soils_geoJSON.zip Pre-packaged CSV filesCSV https://agriculture.canada.ca/atlas/data_donnees/detailedSoilSurvey/data_donnees/csv/on_detailedsoils_csv.zip Data Product Specification (English)PDF https://agriculture.canada.ca/atlas/data_donnees/detailedSoilSurvey/supportdocument_documentdesupport/en/ISO_19131_Detailed_Soil_Surveys_Data_Product_Specifications.pdf Data Product Specification (French)PDF https://agriculture.canada.ca/atlas/data_donnees/detailedSoilSurvey/supportdocument_documentdesupport/fr/Leves_pedologiques_detailles_ISO_19131.pdf

The Ontario Detailed Soil Survey dataset series is at a scale of 1: 50 000 and consists of geo-referenced soil polygons with linkages to attribute data found in the associated Component File (CMP), Soil Names File (SNF) and Soil Layer File (SLF). Together, these datasets describe the spatial distribution of soils and associated landscapes for nearly all agricultural areas in southern Ontario.

Data and Resources

Contact Information

Country: Canada

Electronic Mail Address: aafc.cansis-siscan.aac@agr.gc.ca

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