Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre admissions to custody

Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre admissions to custody This dataset provides the number of male and female inmates admitted to the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre covering fiscal years 2005-06 through to 2017-18. * Admissions from a federal institution * Immigration hold * Remand * Provincial sentences of less than two years/inmates on a federal sentence awaiting transfer to a federal institution * Other reasons than those listed For more information, please see the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre [Quarterly Trends Analysis]( This dataset is related to the following: * [Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre admissions alerts](/dataset/ottawa-carleton-detention-centre-admissions-alerts) * [Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre average daily counts](/dataset/ottawa-carleton-detention-centre-average-daily-counts) * [Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre utilization rates](/dataset/ottawa-carleton-detention-centre-utilization-rates) * [Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre specialized unit hold counts](/dataset/ottawa-carleton-detention-centre-specialized-unit-hold-counts) 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsJustice and Public SafetyLaw and safety Data dictionaryXLSX admissionstocustody en fy 1718.csvCSV Dictionnaire de donnéesXLSXétention.xlsx admissionstocustody fr fy 1718.csvCSV

This dataset provides the number of male and female inmates admitted to the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre covering fiscal years 2005-06 through to 2017-18. * Admissions from a federal institution * Immigration hold * Remand * Provincial sentences of less than two years/inmates on a federal sentence awaiting transfer to a federal institution * Other reasons than those listed For more information, please see the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre Quarterly Trends Analysis. This dataset is related to the following: * Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre admissions alerts * Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre average daily counts * Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre utilization rates * Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre specialized unit hold counts

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