Food Consumption Table (2015 CCHS Nutrition)
The Food Consumption Table (FCT) provides estimates of daily intakes of foods (means and percentiles) obtained using data from the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Nutrition. Estimates were generated at three different food grouping levels based on the food group list from the Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate, Health Canada. These estimates are presented for two consumption populations: “all persons” and “eaters only”. Each estimate is further broken down by various age-sex categories. For both consumption populations, estimates are available in two different units: 1) grams per person per day and 2) grams per kilogram of body weight per day. The User Guide, Read Me file, Food Group List and Body Weights table provide detailed information to facilitate use of the FCT.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Health Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Babyfood Products - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Babyfood Products - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Beverages - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Beverages - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Body Weights - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Body Weights - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Dairy Products - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Dairy Products - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Fats - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Fats - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Fruits - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Fruits - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Grain Products - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Grain Products - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Meat Alternatives - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Meat Alternatives - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Meats - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Meats - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Miscellaneous - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Miscellaneous - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Vegetables - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Vegetables - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Read Me - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)TXTEnglish tool TXT
Read Me - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)TXTFrench tool TXT
User's Guide - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)HTMLEnglish guide HTML
User's Guide - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)HTMLFrench guide HTML
Food Consumption Table (2015 CCHS Nutrition) - Datasets and InstructionsXLSXEnglish dataset XLSX
Food Consumption Table (2015 CCHS Nutrition) - Datasets and InstructionsXLSXFrench dataset XLSX
Food Consumption Table (CCHS, Nutrition (2015) – Data Dictionary TXTEnglish terminology TXT
Food Consumption Table (CCHS, Nutrition (2015) – Data Dictionary TXTFrench terminology TXT
Food Group List - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVEnglish terminology CSV
Food Group List - FCT (2015 CCHS Nutrition)CSVFrench terminology CSV