Bat Hibernacula and Maternity Roosts - Jasper

Bat Hibernacula and Maternity Roosts - Jasper Bat monitoring in Jasper National Park supports Jasper National Park’s Multi-species Action Plan. Survey efforts are increasingly important on account of the recent detection of white-nosed syndrome in western North America and evidence that the disease is spreading more readily. Data collected from hibernacula and maternity roost monitoring help determine species composition and relative abundance to inform management activities. 2024-05-10 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentJasper National Parkbatshibernaculamaternity roostChiroptera Bat Hibernacula and Maternity Roosts - JasperCSV

Bat monitoring in Jasper National Park supports Jasper National Park’s Multi-species Action Plan. Survey efforts are increasingly important on account of the recent detection of white-nosed syndrome in western North America and evidence that the disease is spreading more readily. Data collected from hibernacula and maternity roost monitoring help determine species composition and relative abundance to inform management activities.

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