Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute Table Spatial View

Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI) Detailed Polygons with Short Attribute Table Spatial View SEI_Polygons contains Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. SEI identifies and maps rare and fragile terrestrial ecosystems. Ecosystems mapped may include (but are not limited to) older forests, woodlands, coastal bluffs, herbaceous and sparsely vegetated ecosystems, grasslands, riparian ecosystems and wetlands. SEI methods include manual air photo interpretation or theming of other Ecosystem Mapping, each supported by selective field checking. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE attribute. Project types include: SEI, TEMSEI, TEMSET, and SEIWHR. Current version: v10 (published on 2023-11-14) Previous versions: v9 (published on 2023-03-01) v8 (published on 2016-09-01) 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyBGCCanadaDTEIFDrainagePEMSEISTESTEWITEISTEMTERTSMWHRbiogeoclimaticbioterrainbioterrain mappingdescribing terrestrial ecosystemsecologyecosystemecosystem mappingecosystem modellingerosionlandslidepredictive ecosystem mappingsedimentationsensitive ecosystemsensitive ecosystems inventoryslope stabilitysoilterrainterrain and ecosystemsterrain inventory mappingterrain mappingterrain stabilityterrain stability mappingterrestrial ecosystem mappingwildlife habitat ratingwildlife inventoryGovernment information Original metadata ( BC Geographic Warehouse Custom DownloadHTML STE_SEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SVWKML STE_SEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SVWWMS STE_SEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SVWWMS TEI Data DictionaryXLS TEI DomainsXLS

SEI_Polygons contains Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory polygons with key and amalgamated (concatenated) attributes derived from the RISC (Resource Inventory Standards Committee) standard attributes. SEI identifies and maps rare and fragile terrestrial ecosystems. Ecosystems mapped may include (but are not limited to) older forests, woodlands, coastal bluffs, herbaceous and sparsely vegetated ecosystems, grasslands, riparian ecosystems and wetlands. SEI methods include manual air photo interpretation or theming of other Ecosystem Mapping, each supported by selective field checking. This layer is derived from the STE_TEI_ATTRIBUTE_POLYS_SP layer by filtering on the PROJECT_TYPE attribute. Project types include: SEI, TEMSEI, TEMSET, and SEIWHR. Current version: v10 (published on 2023-11-14) Previous versions: v9 (published on 2023-03-01) v8 (published on 2016-09-01)

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