Subalpine - Gwaii Haanas

Subalpine - Gwaii Haanas The subalpine zone of Haida Gwaii occurs between an elevation of 600 to 800m. Permanent plots are monitored every 5 years to detect any changes to the structure and composition of the vegetation community on Yatza Mountain. Metrics include: canopy closure, debris classes, tree species, organic matter and percent cover by species. These parameters will then determine if there is a decline in the % cover of vegetation. 2024-04-19 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentSubalpinevegetation plotscanopy closuredebris classestree speciespercent coverorganic matterBritish Columbia Subalpine - Gwaii HaanasCSV Subalpine - Gwaii Haanas - data dictionaryCSV

The subalpine zone of Haida Gwaii occurs between an elevation of 600 to 800m. Permanent plots are monitored every 5 years to detect any changes to the structure and composition of the vegetation community on Yatza Mountain. Metrics include: canopy closure, debris classes, tree species, organic matter and percent cover by species. These parameters will then determine if there is a decline in the % cover of vegetation.

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