Growth and Yield Samples - All Status

Growth and Yield Samples - All Status **NOTE** This dataset is going to be replaced by the Data Catalogue layer: [Forest Inventory Ground Plots - Public Access]( This new layer links to the updated database for all Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch ground sample plots. Growth and Yield dataset is a provincial data set that comprised of Permanent Sample Plots (PSP). Researchers such as GY modellers and those wanting to know the position of all samples will use the all status view to better understand the spatial distribution of historic measurement data including samples that are currently destroyed or inactive 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyForest Stewardship PlansGRY sampleGYSLand Use PlansPSPPSP tileTSPgrowth and yieldgrowth and yield sampleland statuspermanent sample plotsample tileGovernment information Original metadata ( GRY_PSP_STATUS_ACTIVEKML GRY_PSP_STATUS_ACTIVEWMS GRY_PSP_STATUS_ACTIVEWMS

NOTE This dataset is going to be replaced by the Data Catalogue layer: Forest Inventory Ground Plots - Public Access This new layer links to the updated database for all Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch ground sample plots. Growth and Yield dataset is a provincial data set that comprised of Permanent Sample Plots (PSP). Researchers such as GY modellers and those wanting to know the position of all samples will use the all status view to better understand the spatial distribution of historic measurement data including samples that are currently destroyed or inactive

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