3-Year Employment Outlooks
The 3-year Employment Outlooks consist of a rating (very good, good, moderate, limited or very limited) of the employment prospects as well as a narrative text that provides an assessment of the main forecast indicators, recent statistics, and value-added regional observations. Employment Outlooks are developed for each detailed occupation in all provinces, territories and economic regions of Canada, where data permits. They are updated annually.
The Employment Outlooks developed until the 2015-2017 period were assessed on the basis of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2006, and include up to 520 occupations.
Beginning with the 2016-2018 Outlooks, the NOC 2011 is used for the analysis and the Outlooks include up to 500 occupations.
Outlooks and trend descriptions for the latest year (currently disseminated on Job Bank) are subject to change as new information becomes available. Every effort will be made to keep the records on the Open Data Portal as up to date as possible, though delays may occur.
If you have comments or questions regarding the 3-year Employment Outlooks, please contact the Labour Market Information division at: NC-LMI-IMT-GD@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Employment and Social Development Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
2013-2015 Employment OutlooksCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2013-2015 Employment OutlooksCSVFrench dataset CSV
2014-2016 Employment OutlooksCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2014-2016 Employment OutlooksCSVFrench dataset CSV
2015-2017 Employment OutlooksCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2015-2017 Employment OutlooksCSVFrench dataset CSV
2016-2018 Employment OutlooksCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2016-2018 Employment OutlooksCSVFrench dataset CSV
2017-2019 Employment OutlooksCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2017-2019 Employment OutlooksCSVFrench dataset CSV
2018-2020 Employment OutlooksCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2018-2020 Employment OutlooksCSVFrench dataset CSV
2019-2021 Employment OutlooksCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2019-2021 Employment OutlooksCSVFrench dataset CSV
2020 Special Employment Outlook ReportCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2020 Special Employment Outlook ReportCSVFrench dataset CSV
2021-2023 Employment OutlooksCSVEnglish dataset CSV
2021-2023 Employment OutlooksCSVFrench dataset CSV
2022-2024 Employment Outlooks - NOC 2016CSVEnglish dataset CSV
2022-2024 Employment Outlooks -NOC 2016CSVFrench dataset CSV
2022-2024 Employment Outlooks -NOC 2021CSVEnglish dataset CSV
2022-2024 Employment Outlooks -NOC 2021CSVFrench dataset CSV
2023-2025 Employment Outlooks - NOC 2021CSVEnglish dataset CSV
2023-2025 Employment Outlooks - NOC 2021CSVFrench dataset CSV