Halogenated Phenolic Compounds in the plasma of Wheatley Harbour AOC Brown bullhead

Halogenated Phenolic Compounds in the plasma of Wheatley Harbour AOC Brown bullhead This dataset contains the concentrations of halogenated phenolic compounds in plasma for the fish species Brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus), from 2 site locations (Wheatley Harbour, and Hillman Marsh) within the Wheatley Harbour Area of Concern. Halogenated Phenolic Compounds have emerged as an important class of environmental contaminants in aquatic vertebrates, wildlife, and humans. They represent 4 of the 7 classes of substances listed as chemicals of mutual concern in the Great Lakes. Supplemental Information Funding for this study was provided in part by the Government of Canada’s Great Lakes Action Plan (GLAP) and in support toWheatley Harbour Area of Concern. In 1987 under the revised Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, 43 areas of concern (AOC), 12 of which are located in Canada,were identified as having severely impaired beneficial uses and water quality. As funded by the Great Lakes Action Plan,a Remedial Action Plan was formed for each area of concern bringing together experts from government, industry, municipalitiesand environmental non-government organizations to address these impacts. Today over 900 restoration projects have beensuccessfully completed by Environment and Climate Change Canada and partners including Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades,fish and wildlife habitat restoration, and water quality improvements For more information on the Wheatley Harbour Area of Concern visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/great-lakes-protection/areas-concern/wheatley-harbour.html 2021-07-29 Environment and Climate Change Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentWheatley HarbourHillman MarshGreat Lakes Action Plan (GLAP)Area of Concern (AOCs)Halogenated Phenolic CompoundsBrown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus)Hydroxylated polychorinated biphenylsTriclosanPentachlorophenol (PCP)Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)Polychlorinatedbiphenyls (PCBs)BiotaEnvironment GLAP_WH_BB_HPC_Plasma Conc_EN_FR.csvCSV https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/sites/areainterest/wheatley-harbour-area-of-concern/halogenated-phenolic-compounds-in-the-plasma-of-wheatley-harbour-aoc-brown-bullhead/GLAP_WH_BB_HPC_PlasmaConc_EN_FR.csv Scientific Publication - Halogenated phenolic compounds in wild fish from Canadian Areas of ConcernHTML https://setac.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/etc.3781 View ECCC Data Mart (English)HTML https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/sites/areainterest/wheatley-harbour-area-of-concern/halogenated-phenolic-compounds-in-the-plasma-of-wheatley-harbour-aoc-brown-bullhead/ View ECCC Data Mart (French)HTML https://data-donnees.ec.gc.ca/data/sites/areainterest/wheatley-harbour-area-of-concern/halogenated-phenolic-compounds-in-the-plasma-of-wheatley-harbour-aoc-brown-bullhead/?lang=fr Wheatley Harbour Area of Concern https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/1d7b50ba-ff18-4a25-b99a-2b25c6de9d62 Wheatley Harbour Area of Concern https://ouvert.canada.ca/data/fr/dataset/1d7b50ba-ff18-4a25-b99a-2b25c6de9d62

This dataset contains the concentrations of halogenated phenolic compounds in plasma for the fish species Brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus), from 2 site locations (Wheatley Harbour, and Hillman Marsh) within the Wheatley Harbour Area of Concern.

Halogenated Phenolic Compounds have emerged as an important class of environmental contaminants in aquatic vertebrates, wildlife, and humans. They represent 4 of the 7 classes of substances listed as chemicals of mutual concern in the Great Lakes.

Supplemental Information

Funding for this study was provided in part by the Government of Canada’s Great Lakes Action Plan (GLAP) and in support toWheatley Harbour Area of Concern.

In 1987 under the revised Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, 43 areas of concern (AOC), 12 of which are located in Canada,were identified as having severely impaired beneficial uses and water quality. As funded by the Great Lakes Action Plan,a Remedial Action Plan was formed for each area of concern bringing together experts from government, industry, municipalitiesand environmental non-government organizations to address these impacts. Today over 900 restoration projects have beensuccessfully completed by Environment and Climate Change Canada and partners including Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades,fish and wildlife habitat restoration, and water quality improvements

For more information on the Wheatley Harbour Area of Concern visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/great-lakes-protection/areas-concern/wheatley-harbour.html

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