Government-approved driving schools

Government-approved driving schools Government-approved driving schools can help you become a safe and responsible driver. They may also save you money on insurance premiums and let you take your G1 exit road test sooner. Government-approved driving schools are: * licensed * meet certain standards set out by the Ministry of Transportation for: * in-class and in-vehicle training (must include 40 hours of instruction) * general administration * advertising Beginner Driver Education (BDE) programs include: * digital or in-person classroom instruction * hands-on, in-vehicle training * flexible instruction time 2024-04-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsDonnées Ontario Government-approved driving schoolsCSV Government-approved driving schoolsCSV Original metadata ( Original metadata (

Government-approved driving schools can help you become a safe and responsible driver. They may also save you money on insurance premiums and let you take your G1 exit road test sooner. Government-approved driving schools are: * licensed * meet certain standards set out by the Ministry of Transportation for: * in-class and in-vehicle training (must include 40 hours of instruction) * general administration * advertising Beginner Driver Education (BDE) programs include: * digital or in-person classroom instruction * hands-on, in-vehicle training * flexible instruction time

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