Developing Ontario’s Artificial Intelligence Framework Survey Dataset

Developing Ontario’s Artificial Intelligence Framework Survey Dataset Between May 7th and June 4th 2021, the Government of Ontario ran a consultation on the proposed [Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) Framework]( An open and anonymous survey was developed for input on: * how the government can ensure AI is used responsibly to minimize misuse and maximize benefits for Ontarians * ideas to improve the public’s trust in AI * experiences, concerns, and insights that will help the government shape it’s approach to using AI The survey asked respondents to rank and comment on action items related to three draft commitments: * No AI in secret * AI use Ontarians can trust * AI for all Ontarians The survey data includes ranking of action items for each commitment. 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsArtificial IntelligenceAItransparencyalgorithmalgorithmssurveypublic consultation Responses to Artificial Intelligence Framework SurveyXLSX Data DictionaryXLSX

Between May 7th and June 4th 2021, the Government of Ontario ran a consultation on the proposed Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) Framework. An open and anonymous survey was developed for input on: * how the government can ensure AI is used responsibly to minimize misuse and maximize benefits for Ontarians * ideas to improve the public’s trust in AI * experiences, concerns, and insights that will help the government shape it’s approach to using AI The survey asked respondents to rank and comment on action items related to three draft commitments: * No AI in secret * AI use Ontarians can trust * AI for all Ontarians The survey data includes ranking of action items for each commitment.

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