Black Oystercatcher - Gwaii Haanas

Black Oystercatcher - Gwaii Haanas Black Oystercatcher breeding success is estimated by visually surveying known breeding habitat in key areas of Gwaii Haanas. Surveys are conducted twice a year during breeding season. Black Oysercatchers are very vulnerable to disturbances, predation of eggs and young, predators, oil spills and reduction of food sources due to global warming. They are also considered to be a keystone species in the north Pacific, and an indicator of the health of the rocky shoreline and intertidal community. 2024-04-19 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentBlack Oystercatcherbreedingbreeding successkeystone speciesBritish Columbiarocky shorelineintertidal community Black Oystercatcher - Gwaii HaanasCSV

Black Oystercatcher breeding success is estimated by visually surveying known breeding habitat in key areas of Gwaii Haanas. Surveys are conducted twice a year during breeding season. Black Oysercatchers are very vulnerable to disturbances, predation of eggs and young, predators, oil spills and reduction of food sources due to global warming. They are also considered to be a keystone species in the north Pacific, and an indicator of the health of the rocky shoreline and intertidal community.

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