Amphibians - Jasper

Amphibians - Jasper Amphibians around the world are in decline and this has led to many international initiatives to monitor and catalog amphibian biodiversity. The western toad (Bufo boreas) found in Jasper National Park is a species of special concern protected under the Federal Species at Risk Act (SARA). Jasper National Park conducts auditory and visual amphibian surveys to estimate species occurrence. Occupancy modelling of amphibians in the Park, using presence/absence data, provides a useful and flexible framework for population trend analyses and helps inform management. 2024-05-10 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentJasper National Parkamphibiansfrogtoadsalamanderwestern toadBufo boreas Amphibians - JasperCSV

Amphibians around the world are in decline and this has led to many international initiatives to monitor and catalog amphibian biodiversity. The western toad (Bufo boreas) found in Jasper National Park is a species of special concern protected under the Federal Species at Risk Act (SARA). Jasper National Park conducts auditory and visual amphibian surveys to estimate species occurrence. Occupancy modelling of amphibians in the Park, using presence/absence data, provides a useful and flexible framework for population trend analyses and helps inform management.

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