The following standard is used to evaluate Parks Canada Agency’s goal to manage wildland fire and conduct prescribed fire activities to restore and maintain the ecological integrity of park lands. A 20% natural fire cycle is the set percentage that allows fire to play a role as a natural disturbance in ecosystems while being realistic and achievable considering physical and financial constraints, the variability in wildland fire regimes in MRGNP and the need to balance public safety. The 20% long term average was obtained by analysing the variation in area burned in national parks of different sizes, fire regimes and recent wildland fire management history. This area burn target should be achievable and maintained on a yearly basis, irrespective of wildland fire activity in the period of analysis. Finally, while 20% represents a minimum, it will be imperative to maintain a higher percentage to account for the variability in wildland fire and prescribed fire activity within a 20-year window. Since the area burned by wildland fires will be variable, our goals will be to 1) apply fire through the use of prescribed fires at a rate to meet and maintain the 20% natural fire cycle within each park, and 2) trend towards a natural wildland fire cycle in each reference fire regime areas (RFRA), through actively managing wildfires on the landscape.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Parks Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Prescribed Fire Targets - GlacierCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Prescribed Fire Targets - Glacier - Data DictionaryCSVEnglish French terminology CSV