Great Bear Rainforest - Landscape Reserve Design

Great Bear Rainforest - Landscape Reserve Design This layer contains current Landscape Reserve Design (LRD) polygons associated the Great Bear Rainforest. This layer excludes sensitive information. This spatial data layer is publicly viewable and downloadable. This data represents legally established and spatially defined LRD areas and are designed to meet Great Bear Rainforest requirements for Old Forest representation, Indigenous features and resources, wildlife values and rare and endangered ecosystems that are identified during landscape unit planning or operational planning processes. Forest licensees are required to implement Ecosystem Based Management during operational planning processes to concurrently maintain ecosystem integrity and improve human well-being. This spatial view displays the current polygons, with more to be added as LRDs are established. This data is viewable in iMapBC by adding this layer name: ***Landscape Reserve Design – GBRO - legal***. 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Economics and IndustryForm DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentEBMEcosystem Based ManagementGBRGBROGreat Bear RainforestGreat Bear Rainforest OrderLRDLandscape Reserve DesignGovernment information Original metadata ( BC Geographic Warehouse Custom DownloadHTML RMP_LANDSCAPE_RSRV_DESIGN_SPKML RMP_LANDSCAPE_RSRV_DESIGN_SPWMS RMP_LANDSCAPE_RSRV_DESIGN_SPWMS

This layer contains current Landscape Reserve Design (LRD) polygons associated the Great Bear Rainforest. This layer excludes sensitive information. This spatial data layer is publicly viewable and downloadable. This data represents legally established and spatially defined LRD areas and are designed to meet Great Bear Rainforest requirements for Old Forest representation, Indigenous features and resources, wildlife values and rare and endangered ecosystems that are identified during landscape unit planning or operational planning processes. Forest licensees are required to implement Ecosystem Based Management during operational planning processes to concurrently maintain ecosystem integrity and improve human well-being. This spatial view displays the current polygons, with more to be added as LRDs are established. This data is viewable in iMapBC by adding this layer name: Landscape Reserve Design – GBRO - legal.

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