Survey on Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises – 2007

Survey on Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises – 2007 The Statistics Canada triennial Survey on Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises, launched in 2001, measures the demand and sources for financing of Canadian SMEs, including data on the application process, firm profiles and demographic characteristics of SME ownership. Occasionally, abbreviated supplemental surveys will be administered to measure changing conditions in the marketplace, as was the case in 2001. 2022-02-21 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Economics and Industryfinancinggrowthsmall and medium-sized enterprisescreditdebtowner characteristicsinternational businessexportsinnovationintellectual property Microsoft Excel FormatXLS$file/SFSME-EFPME_2007_eng.xls Microsoft Excel FormatXLS$file/EFPME-SFSME_2007_fra.xls NotesTXT$file/2007_SFSME-EFPME_Notes_eng.txt NotesTXT$file/2007_SFSME-EFPME_Notes_fra.txt TablesCSV$file/2007_SFSME-EFPME_Tables_eng.csv TablesCSV$file/2007_SFSME-EFPME_Tableaux_fra.csv DataZIP$file/ DataZIP$file/

The Statistics Canada triennial Survey on Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises, launched in 2001, measures the demand and sources for financing of Canadian SMEs, including data on the application process, firm profiles and demographic characteristics of SME ownership. Occasionally, abbreviated supplemental surveys will be administered to measure changing conditions in the marketplace, as was the case in 2001.

  • Publisher - Current Organization Name: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • Publisher - Organization Name at Publication: Industry Canada
  • Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada

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