Forest Dynamics - Kouchibouguac

Forest Dynamics - Kouchibouguac The Acadian forest in a natural state is one of the richest and more diverse temperate forests in the World, however it has been listed as one of six endangered forests in North America and is also the predominant ecosystem within Kouchibouguac National Park. A few key tree species of priority conservation concern have been identified as indicators of forests conditions: white pine (Pinus strobus), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), and eastern white cedar (Thuya occidentalis). These softwood species merit particular attention due to their rarity relative to historic levels or recent notable declines at the population level. Red maple (Acer rubrum) has also been selected for special interest as a representative of hardwood species in mixed forests. The purpose of the forest dynamics monitoring program is to incorporate successional stages, crown condition, mortality, and regeneration into a Forest Succession Index (FSI) in order to evaluate population status at the stand level. The methods for this measure involve the establishment of seven forest permanent sampling plots (PSPs) measuring 20 m x 20 m with five 2 m x 2 m recruitment subplots for each of the four key tree species mentioned above. These 28 plots are monitored on a five-year rotating cycle. All key tree species within plot limits with a diameter at breast height ≥ 10 cm are identified and tagged then data collection is completed for all numbered trees, including diameter at breast height and crown condition. Regeneration data for the key tree species is also obtained from a count of all seedlings and/or saplings within subplots categorized in five height classes. 2024-04-27 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentAcadian forestwhite pinePinus strobuseastern hemlockTsuga canadensisred mapleAcer rubrumeastern white cedarThuya occidentalisforest permanent sampling plotPSPforest ecosystemsforest dynamicshardwood speciessoftwood specieskey tree speciesindicator speciessuccession stagecrown conditionmortalityregenerationrecruitment subplotsForest Succession IndexFSIdiameter breast heightDBHseedlingssaplingsheight classesKouchibouguac National ParkNew Brunswick Forest Dynamics - Kouchibouguac - Stand Data - 1CSV Forest Dynamics - Kouchibouguac - Stand Metadata - 1CSV Forest Dynamics - Kouchibouguac - Stand Data Dictionnary - 1CSV Forest Dynamics - Kouchibouguac - Recruitment Data - 2CSV Forest Dynamics - Kouchibouguac - Recruitment Metadata - 2CSV Forest Dynamics - Kouchibouguac - Recruitment Data Dictionnary - 2CSV

The Acadian forest in a natural state is one of the richest and more diverse temperate forests in the World, however it has been listed as one of six endangered forests in North America and is also the predominant ecosystem within Kouchibouguac National Park. A few key tree species of priority conservation concern have been identified as indicators of forests conditions: white pine (Pinus strobus), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), and eastern white cedar (Thuya occidentalis). These softwood species merit particular attention due to their rarity relative to historic levels or recent notable declines at the population level. Red maple (Acer rubrum) has also been selected for special interest as a representative of hardwood species in mixed forests. The purpose of the forest dynamics monitoring program is to incorporate successional stages, crown condition, mortality, and regeneration into a Forest Succession Index (FSI) in order to evaluate population status at the stand level. The methods for this measure involve the establishment of seven forest permanent sampling plots (PSPs) measuring 20 m x 20 m with five 2 m x 2 m recruitment subplots for each of the four key tree species mentioned above. These 28 plots are monitored on a five-year rotating cycle. All key tree species within plot limits with a diameter at breast height ≥ 10 cm are identified and tagged then data collection is completed for all numbered trees, including diameter at breast height and crown condition. Regeneration data for the key tree species is also obtained from a count of all seedlings and/or saplings within subplots categorized in five height classes.

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