Updated equalized assessment

Updated equalized assessment In Alberta, equalized assessment is the means of comparing property wealth in a uniform manner for all municipalities. Alberta uses an ad valorem assessment and tax system where property taxes are based on wealth and wealth is measured by the value of property expressed as an assessment. Equalizing an assessment is simply a process of adjusting each municipality's taxable assessment to a common year in accordance with current legislation and policy. The equalization process results in a common provincial assessment base that is used to determine the amount of requisition for each requisitioning body. 2024-07-24 Government of Alberta geodiscoveralberta@gov.ab.ca Government and Politicsassessmentsequalized assessmentsmunicipalitiesproperty taxrequisitionstaxation Updated 2024 equalized assessment : year ending Febuary 28, 2024XLSX https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/c41ae976-81fd-43e8-8094-adde75dc3ffc/resource/7beda02a-23a7-4a4a-a0ba-c4efcd11d1e3/download/ma-updated-equalized-assessment-report-2024.xlsx Original metadata (https://open.alberta.ca/opendata)HTML https://open.alberta.ca/opendata/c41ae976-81fd-43e8-8094-adde75dc3ffc

In Alberta, equalized assessment is the means of comparing property wealth in a uniform manner for all municipalities. Alberta uses an ad valorem assessment and tax system where property taxes are based on wealth and wealth is measured by the value of property expressed as an assessment. Equalizing an assessment is simply a process of adjusting each municipality's taxable assessment to a common year in accordance with current legislation and policy. The equalization process results in a common provincial assessment base that is used to determine the amount of requisition for each requisitioning body.

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