Rural Health: Average Distance to the Nearest Physician Specialist, 1998 (kilometres)

Rural Health: Average Distance to the Nearest Physician Specialist, 1998 (kilometres) An important aspect of health care is the distance a person has to travel to get medical services. This map shows the average distance that people in each census division have to travel to reach the nearest physician specialist living in the same province or territory. (A physician specialist is physician who has undertaken post-graduate degree studies to specialize in a particular branch of medicine such as cardiology or gynaecology). Because physician specialists tend to be found in urban areas, the map essentially shows the distance to the nearest city. This concentration means that generally rural and northern residents must travel considerable distances to see specialists. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Health and Safetyhealthmaprural communities Download the English JP2 File through HTTPJP2 Download the English ZIP (PDF,JPG) file through HTTPZIP Download the French JP2 File through HTTPother Download the French ZIP (PDF, JPG) File through HTTPZIP

An important aspect of health care is the distance a person has to travel to get medical services. This map shows the average distance that people in each census division have to travel to reach the nearest physician specialist living in the same province or territory. (A physician specialist is physician who has undertaken post-graduate degree studies to specialize in a particular branch of medicine such as cardiology or gynaecology). Because physician specialists tend to be found in urban areas, the map essentially shows the distance to the nearest city. This concentration means that generally rural and northern residents must travel considerable distances to see specialists.

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