Regional stream sediment and water geochemical data, Nahoni Range area, west-central Yukon Territory (parts of NTS 116F, G and K)

Regional stream sediment and water geochemical data, Nahoni Range area, west-central Yukon Territory (parts of NTS 116F, G and K) This CD-ROM contains stream sediment and water data. These data have been compiled in separate flatfiles in Microsoft Excel file format. These standard file formats are easily imported into most spreadsheet, database and GIS computer programs. Products derived from these raw data consist of: data listings and a sample location map as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. 2024-02-16 Government of Yukon Science and TechnologyYukon Geological SurveyYukon Data dataother Original metadata (

This CD-ROM contains stream sediment and water data. These data have been compiled in separate flatfiles in Microsoft Excel file format. These standard file formats are easily imported into most spreadsheet, database and GIS computer programs. Products derived from these raw data consist of: data listings and a sample location map as Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

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