Exoskeleton trials on farm tasks

Exoskeleton trials on farm tasks Contains data collected in support of a study to investigate both directly-measured exposure to risk factors and farmer-reported usability experience of a commercially-available exoskeleton during work tasks in the agricultural sector. Data were collected from six non-farmers and 15 farmers, and included participant's self-reported demographics and directly-measured heart rate, electromyography, and body parts' accelerations and angular velocities. 2024-07-24 Government of Alberta OHSFutures@gov.ab.ca Health and SafetyLabourOHS FuturesOHS Futures Research Funding ProgramOccupational Health and Safety Futures Research Funding Programagricultural workersexoskeleton deviceslower back painoccupational health hazards Exoskeleton trials on farm tasksXLSX https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/cb87df37-ff8b-49de-9f4d-ea163b664d60/resource/fe0fe60c-a22a-4503-b780-fc2bae0a8eee/download/jend-ohs-futures-exoskeleton-trials-on-farm-tasks.xlsx Original metadata (https://open.alberta.ca/opendata)HTML https://open.alberta.ca/opendata/cb87df37-ff8b-49de-9f4d-ea163b664d60

Contains data collected in support of a study to investigate both directly-measured exposure to risk factors and farmer-reported usability experience of a commercially-available exoskeleton during work tasks in the agricultural sector. Data were collected from six non-farmers and 15 farmers, and included participant's self-reported demographics and directly-measured heart rate, electromyography, and body parts' accelerations and angular velocities.

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