Manitoba COVID-19 and Flu - Vaccination Sites

Manitoba COVID-19 and Flu - Vaccination Sites This point layer displays the location of COVID-19 and flu vaccine providers within the province of Manitoba. This point layer displays the location of COVID-19 and flu vaccine providers within the province of Manitoba. Vaccination sites are symbolized by their provider type, indicating whether the location is a pharmacy, medical clinic, provincial vaccine clinic, etc. Other information available for each site includes provider name, whether they are accepting appointments, address, and any special notes or restrictions on the location. This data is populated by Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living. This layer is the data behind the Manitoba COVID-19 & Flu Vaccine Finder application. The data is updated as needed. Fields included (Alias (Field Name): Field description.) Provider Type (Provider_Type): Type of provider. Includes Vaccine Clinic, Pharmacy, Medical Clinic and Urban Indigenous Vaccine Clinic. Provider Name (Provider_Name): Official business name of the provider. Status (Status): Current status of location: “Taking appointments” or “Not currently taking appointments”. Date (Date): Specific to "Vaccine Clinics" - Date(s) that the location is operating. Hours (Hours): Specific to "Vaccine Clinics" - Hours of operation for the location. Date Updated (Date_updated): Last date this attribute was updated by the holding provider. Vaccine Comments (Vaccine_Comments): Any limitations, comments or restrictions about the vaccine distribution/eligibility at this location. Note (Note): Any additional notes from the provider on their location/requirements. RHA Name (RHA_Name): Name of the Regional Health Authority (RHA) where the site is located. Address (Address): Street address or mailing address, if applicable. City (City): City or town in which the provider is located. Province (Province): Province in which the provider is located. The default is "Manitoba". Phone (Phone): Provider's public business phone number. For more information on Manitoba’s response to COVID-19, please visit the following site: 2024-03-27 Government of Manitoba Health and SafetyCOVID-19COVIDcoronavirusfluinfluenzavaccinevaccinationimmunizationVaccine ClinicMedical ClinicPharmacyUrban Indigenous Vaccine ClinicappointmentpublichealthvirusdiseaseManitobaManitoba GovernmentProvince of ManitobaCanadaOpen DataGovernment information CSVCSV ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI REST GeoJSONGEOJSON original metadata ( KMLKML ShapefileSHP

This point layer displays the location of COVID-19 and flu vaccine providers within the province of Manitoba.

This point layer displays the location of COVID-19 and flu vaccine providers within the province of Manitoba. Vaccination sites are symbolized by their provider type, indicating whether the location is a pharmacy, medical clinic, provincial vaccine clinic, etc. Other information available for each site includes provider name, whether they are accepting appointments, address, and any special notes or restrictions on the location. This data is populated by Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living. This layer is the data behind the Manitoba COVID-19 & Flu Vaccine Finder application. The data is updated as needed. Fields included (Alias (Field Name): Field description.) Provider Type (Provider_Type): Type of provider. Includes Vaccine Clinic, Pharmacy, Medical Clinic and Urban Indigenous Vaccine Clinic. Provider Name (Provider_Name): Official business name of the provider. Status (Status): Current status of location: “Taking appointments” or “Not currently taking appointments”. Date (Date): Specific to "Vaccine Clinics" - Date(s) that the location is operating. Hours (Hours): Specific to "Vaccine Clinics" - Hours of operation for the location. Date Updated (Date_updated): Last date this attribute was updated by the holding provider. Vaccine Comments (Vaccine_Comments): Any limitations, comments or restrictions about the vaccine distribution/eligibility at this location. Note (Note): Any additional notes from the provider on their location/requirements. RHA Name (RHA_Name): Name of the Regional Health Authority (RHA) where the site is located. Address (Address): Street address or mailing address, if applicable. City (City): City or town in which the provider is located. Province (Province): Province in which the provider is located. The default is "Manitoba". Phone (Phone): Provider's public business phone number. For more information on Manitoba’s response to COVID-19, please visit the following site:

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